Health and Safety – Reviewed: 10th January 2025
As a “duty holder” under the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015, SESE aim to comply with the requirements of the Regulations and ensure that our appointees have sufficient resources to enable them to execute the requirements of this legislation.
Further to SESE’s compliance with the regulations CDM, we endeavor to ensure as far as is reasonably practical, that steps be taken with regard to the health, safety and welfare at work of all of our employees and those our work may affect in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and other Health and Safety Requirements under UK and EC law.
The Director will take a lead role in ensuring SESE’s compliance with CDM and shall be involved in all construction, building, civil engineering, building maintenance and demolition projects which fall under the criteria specified in CDM. No such work should be permitted to commence until The Director is satisfied that all the requirements of CDM are being met. The Director is responsible for the assessment of the competence of those with duties under CDM and for the appointments of the same.
SESE’s duties will be achieved by…
- Providing Safe systems of work.
- Providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment.
- Providing a safe place of work with safe access and egress.
- Providing the safe use, handling, storage and transport of all equipment and material.
- Providing a healthy and safe place of work
SESE Employees have a duty of care for themselves and others their work may affect and must sign to this effect once their responsibilities are understood. These responsibilities will include:
- Cooperating with company duties as the employer.
- Maintaining a duty of care for themselves and the safety of others.
- Ensuring the proper use of equipment at all times.
- Any misuse or abuse of the above will result in disciplinary action.
All potential hazards will be managed by continuous discussion and consultation with SESE employees and through the following safe systems of work.
- COSHH Assessments
- Manual Handling Risk assessments
- RIDDOR Accident Reporting
- The SESE Safety Pyramid
- Fire and Emergency procedures
Any hazards identified will be reported to the appointed person known as either The Site Manager, The Engineer In Charge or The Office Manager. Further corrective action will then be made through further training or toolbox talks where deemed necessary by the appointed person.