SESE ltd- Site Engineers and Measured surveys- London


Professional, Prompt, Precise

Quality Assurance Policy – Reviewed: 10th January 2025

South East Site Engineers (SESE) Ltd is a civil and structural engineering firm providing survey, design, construction and project management services within the built environment, consulting both directly with development clients and with building contractors alike.

This policy is communicated to our staff via their initial Day One Induction and contract documents and is also prominently placed and framed in A3 form above the reception area of our main office.

The CDM regulations 2015 are designed to help everyone in the built environment practice good communication by ensuring that we all maintain an acceptable standard quality through communication. At SESE our aim is to reduce queries and produce faster more accurate answers through our dedication to communication. This helps to minimize time wasted correcting and altering design, construction, and management issues, which will ultimately increase customer satisfaction.

Quality is important at SESE as we value our customers, knowing full well that we are only in business because they want us to be. At SESE we strive to provide our customers with a service that exceeds their expectations. We are committed to continuous improvement and have established a Quality Management System which provides a framework for measuring and improving our performance.

The delivery of this commitment is managed through our certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality Assurance system, which enables consistency in development and continuity in improving on what we deliver.

SESE invest in technology, innovation, and staff to ensure customer satisfaction and have a client management system which allows us to provide each client with a dedicated projects manager.

As part and parcel of the sustainable development that SESE are fundamentally about we:

  • Hold regular management reviews.
  • Regularly gather and monitor client feedback.
  • Select employees, suppliers, and associates against set criteria.
  • Continuously train and develop all of our staff.
  • Carry out risk assessments and method statements on every project.
  • Manage each project, focusing on consistent good delivery which is to budget and on time.
  • Have detailed processes and procedures which are available to all staff.

To ensure we are meeting our policy of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction SESE:

  • Hold regular management reviews.
  • Measure the effectiveness of any training given to our staff.
  • Monitor customer comments, compliments, and complaints.

At SESE we ensure that all our staff have copies of our policies when they join us and provide all our clients with access to our policies via our website. We also expect our suppliers to have a policy like our own in philosophy with continuous improvement and customer satisfaction being of the utmost importance.

Though the Managing Director is ultimately responsible for the company quality standards, all staff have a responsibility within their own areas of operation.

The effectiveness of this policy is monitored during day-to-day operations and any changes are communicated as and when necessary, as part of a live and ergonomic system.